Friday, January 21, 2011

Sneak Peak

Well, I couldn't hold it in. The baker called and we changed our minds about one of the flavors for the cupcakes that will be at the wedding and she had me come by and sample. They are GORGEOUS and so tasty! This is just one of three flavors we will serve at the wedding.

Dark Chocolate cupcake and Orange Buttercream Frosting with candied Orange Peels on top

Oooo and unofficially, we have come to an agreement with the bank and the house is ours! Now we're just waiting on the paperwork to come through!


  1. I really want that cupcake and congrats on the house!!!

  2. It was really good, I'm glad we decided to go with it. I can see from your blog you are craving cupcakes very much, sorry!
