Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Good afternoon bloggers!

Today has been the wierdest day in a while. I went for my second fitting on my wedding dress. Let's just say I was super disappointed. No one really told me you had to go to multiple fittings before you had the 'perfect fit.' So therefore I stressed A LOT during the fitting....

Because the fitting went badly and because I'm taking a cue from two of my close friends, I'm going to start documenting what I eat and watch calories and try to work out for at least 30 minutes a day starting tomorrow morning. Hold me to it please. I need to be in shape for our wedding, for my own health and so I can look half way decent in a bathing suit for our honeymoon! Try to hold me accountable if you can bloggers :) J and I are headed grocery shopping tonight, so WalMart bring on the healthy food!

My friend Sheila is documenting her cravings and I think it helps, so I'm going to try that too. Check out her blog!

Check out this cool wine rack I found on Etsy- I wish there would be some place in our house we could put this. I don't think it will go with our style, sad day.

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