Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Yesterday was kind of a crazy day at work for me and part of it wasn't even work. J was so sweet, for once he got home before I did and he had a bath drawn for me with candles everywhere and my rob and flip flops ready to go for when I got out :) He knew it had been a long day, what a wonderful husband! Just had to brag on him for a minute is all...

While discussing the day, J remembered he was supposed to go and pick up our new Sofa Table! We got one heck of a deal for a handmade piece, $40. We might have to re-stain it to make it match the rest of the furniture downstairs but that's no big deal. PS That's not our house, that's previous owners house.

After we got the table situated in the house, J cooked a pizza and we zoned out to Weeds Season 6 on DVD. Big thanks to Red for the DVD set as a wedding present! As you can see, married life agrees with us haha, we like to keep things simple.

People keep on asking 'How does it feel to be married now?' Honestly? No different than before, probably less stressful since the wedding is over now but since we got engaged we really have felt 'married' already. I think it really hit home with us when we said our vows and we know that no matter what we will always work it out but aside from that nothing is different and I'm so glad :) If anything things just keep getting better and better, I feel very blessed and lucky!

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